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  • Wider re-opening of school from 1st June 2020

    Mon 18 May 2020 Lucy Macey

    Monday 18th May 2020

    Dear Parents,

    I hope that you are all well and continuing to cope with the situation that we currently find ourselves in regarding the COVID 19 pandemic.

    As you will be aware we are preparing to re-open schools for children in Year R,1 and 6 from the 1st June 2020. This letter is going out to all members of the school community, in order that everyone can be informed of the situation and how school will run from this time.

    The arrangements at Broughton may differ slightly from other schools that you know and this is because all head teachers have completed risk- assessments for their individual schools. We have to take into account many factors: logistics, building size and structure, facilities and timetables. This letter aims to give you a full picture of how the school will run and the reasons for these changes.

    Basic Rationale: Reducing the risk of transmission

    Schools are being asked to put measures in place that reduce the risk of children transmitting the virus between both themselves and the adults working in the schools. In order to do this the following practices will be strictly adhered to:

    N.B: Throughout this letter I will refer to a ‘bubble’, this is a group of children who will be together for the duration of the time and the adult who will be teaching them. They will not interact with any other ‘bubbles’ at school.

    • Children and staff will work within their own ‘bubble’, where social distancing measures will apply. They will not interact with other bubbles, during the school day and will eat meals and have playtimes in them. Items that are transferred between home and schools will be kept to a minimum and classrooms will be adapted to facilitate effective cleaning.
    • Children will have clear and regular handwashing/ hygiene routines. All surfaces and shared facilities will be disinfected regularly throughout the day.
    • Children will be taught in their bubbles, initially Year R, 1 and 6. Where needed, Key-worker children will continue to attend school, in their own ‘bubble’ Home- learning will continue for those at home.

    How this will work:

    Badgers class- will be the workplace for year 6, Otters class for year 1 and Foxes class for keyworker children. Squirrels class in Conker Lodge will be the base for Year R. We have the capacity for all the children in each of these year groups and for 15 key worker children. (How this is decided)

    Priority levels:

    1.    Children (any year) with 2 keyworker parents (or 1 if sole parent) and children in receipt of a EHCP

    2.    Children (any year) with 1 keyworker parent

    Below is a proposed time table of how this will work in school. Please note that initially we will open mornings only – to allow adequate time for thorough cleaning and to ensure that teachers have time to plan and facilitate the remote learning that continues for other Year groups. We also need to be able to review practice in order to ensure the safety of all he children and staff.


    This will begin from Monday 1/6/2020 for Year R and Year 6 and Wednesday 3/6/20 for Year 1

    Keyworker provision will continue through to 3.30pm. It will not be possible for children to move from one group to another, for the reasons that I have given previously.



    Year R

    Year 1

    Year 6

    Key Worker



    Mrs Hudgell

    Miss Morris

    Miss Ayers

    Miss Lee








    No of children











    Start of day




    Enter at Fire door point on main drive

    Enter at ‘usual door’

    (from 7.50am)



    Enter at Otters outside door




    Conker Lodge Front door









    (Groups to play separately)


    (Groups to play separately)













    Lunch in Conker

    Lunch in classroom


    (Groups to play separately)


    (Groups to play separately)




    Lunch in classroom

    Lunch in classroom

    Going home


    Collect from Conker Lodge Front door



    Carry on with learning/play in the afternoon



    Wait at the front area of school





    Leave from Fire Exit on main drive





    Collection from playground




    Other information:


    1. Drop off and pick up

    Please observe social distancing during these times. We will not be able to admit parents into the school buildings. Please communicate with us via e-mail or telephone if there are issues to discuss. We will get back to you quickly. We would ask that you keep to the times to avoid bottle necks etc. and only 1 parent/ carer per family. Please be aware of those areas that are narrow. It is helpful if you can tell your child that it will be different.

    1. Social Distancing

    Please observe social distancing from other families. We will be trying to do this at school and it would be very helpful if parents can talk to their children about this and the reasons that it is important.

    1. PPE

    Please don’t send children with masks and other forms of PPE. There is increased risk of transmission from PPE that is incorrectly used, and it also encourages children to touch their faces. The government do not feel that it is necessary for teachers to wear PPE, however I feel that the staff should do what they feel most comfortable with. If staff wish to wear PPE I will support this, since they have increased vulnerability in this situation. We will of course talk to the  children about this.

    1. Symptoms

    If your child, you or anyone else in your household develops symptoms, you must all isolate. If anyone in your child’s bubble, gets symptoms, the whole bubble must self- isolate for 14 days. We understand that testing will be available.

    1. Uniform

    The children should wear uniform that is easily cleanable. We advise short sleeves. You may wish children to change once they return home. We want to avoid equipment coming to and from school, so no bookbags, pencil cases, toys, phones, books please. The children will need a named bottle and snack, lunch box, if needed and P.E kit. The lockers will not be in use.

    1. Equipment

    The children will have a set of their own equipment for their own use. The younger children will have resources that can be sterilised between use.

    1. First-aid

    We will deal with minor incidents within the ‘bubble’ using a First Aid kit. Any larger incidents will be referred to Mrs Macey, who will contact you, as is the norm.


    As always the well-being of the children and the staff at Broughton are at the centre of the decisions that I have made at this time.

    In preparation for re-opening I have completed a full risk assessment and followed the guidelines as directed by the Government, Hampshire County Council and Public Health England. I know that when we open on June 1st it will be a different environment for the children than the one that they left. The reasons for this are important and necessary and I know that children are adaptable. It would be most helpful if you can discuss this with your child/ren before they come back, in order to manage expectations. I will provide a new video tour of the classrooms to help with this.

    If you have any questions about any of this information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I understand that the decision to send your child back to school is a complex one and that views may differ and vary. It is important that information is shared openly in order that you are able to make the decision that is right for you and your family.

    To parents of children in Year R,1 and 6, on receipt and reading of this letter and following discussion, please e-mail school to let us know if your child will or will not be attending on 1st / 3rd June 2020.

    Best regards


    Lucy Macey- Headteacher














  • Forward Planning- for your information

    Wed 13 May 2020 Clare Yates

    Dear Parents,

    You will have heard that your child may be able to return to school on Monday 1st June.

    This e-mail is just to give a little information about practical items that you may need to arrange in advance. I thought notice might be appreciated if you need to find any items.

    To minimise / control risk we need to streamline items being brought to and from school


    Short sleeves shirts/ polos only please

    School jumper/ cardigan, if needed

    No ties  ( Yr 6)

    Easily washable skirts/ shorts etc

    Simple P.E. kit- shorts, t-shirt and trainers

    Thin waterproof coat

    Named hat

    (Please don’t buy unnecessarily- e-mail us if any of these present a problem)

    No rucksacks-  P.E.  kit in drawstring or similar bag ( plastic)

    Named water bottle

    Morning snack (no nuts)

    Sun cream applied before school . We will not be able to provide sun cream and the children should not bring theirs into school.


    Please don't worry this is not the only communication you will receive!  We will keep you fully informed of all our plans as time continues.  We are sending this out to everybody in the year groups and it does not mean that we anticipate what your decision about your child returning to school will be.


    Thank you


    Lucy Macey

  • Information for parents and carers regarding the re-opening of schools from 1st June 2002

    Mon 11 May 2020 Clare YAtes

    Dear All, 


    The document below provides some useful information.  At present I am reading through the actions for schools to prepare for wider opening and will contact you with  when we have developed a school specific action plan



    Take care, stay safe.


    Lucy Macey

Starting school in September 2025? First open morning available to book into via school office - Thursday 4th July 2024 - 9.30am