
Summer 2



For the last half term of the year, we will be continuing with our topic called 'Brilliant Broughton' but will not focus on the Geography of the village. 


This learning journey will start by finding where Broughton is on a map, locating what continent, country and county it is in. We will then look at Broughton in depth, learning about about the human and physical features of the village. We will answer the question- What is unique about Broughton? We will then be comparing this to a town (Andover). The children will then learn to use a map, follow instructions and create our own map of Broughton. During this half term we will be going into the village to spot the features we have been learning about. 


We will be starting this term off by answering the question "Can it survive here?" by looking at pictures of habitats and trying to identify what plants and animals might survive. The children will then think more closely about what a habitat is, what animals we might find in the different habitats and how animals adapt to their surroundings.  We will also be comparing a photo of the children in front of a tree on the acre from the start of the year and now- to identify what has changed (and which children have grown the most!)


This term we will be using the website 'Dollar Street' to find out about peoples homes around the world. We will be thinking about other peoples lives around the world and linking this to our rights learning. 


The children will be creating some fabulous structures this half term! They will be learning about the work of Eddie Martinez. We will start by observing his work and then move onto trying to create a copy of a sculpture. The children will then learn how to use different joining techniques to create larger structures. Finally the children will create a brilliant sculpture in the same style. 


Growing and Changing- SCARF 

Year 1- Being healthy, taking care of a baby, who can help, surprises and secrets, keeping privates private.

Year 2-A helping hand, moving hand, my body, your body, respecting privacy and some secrets should never be kept.


This term we will be having tennis lessons on Monday morning from Andover Tennis. 

We will be following Real PE for the other session. 


This term the children will become superheroes! We will learn superhero songs, create dances that match the music. Learn to speed up and slow down. It will be very fun! 


Learning journey 1: The Night Gardner Our half term will start off by reading this excellent story. This unit will start off by the children discovering a pair of gardening shears and a pair of gardening gloves in the classroom. Accompanying the items is a letter from the Night Gardener inviting them to become his apprentice for the week. The children will then work through the text, gathering exciting vocabulary and learning to write descriptive pieces. Our outcome for this journey is a description of the topiaries.

Learning journey 2:A planet full of plastic    Our outcome for this journey is an acrostic poem about waste and letters, posters and campaigns to help us reduce waste in the school. This book will support the children towards carrying out a campaign/march around the school or within the local area to persuade peers, parents and members of the local community to reduce plastic waste and inform others of effective ways to achieve this. 

Learning journey 3:How to wash a wolly Mammoth   This is our last story of the year and it is a fun one! The children have picked this story to follow because it looked very funny! We will be revising imperative verbs and showing off all of our learning throughout the year! Our outcome for this journey is a set of instructions to wash a wolly Mammoth! 




Unit 1: Fractions- The children will be learning to find fractions of shapes and amounts and then applying this to problems such as 'Does it matter if it is equal?' and 'Who has more..' type questions. 

Unit 2:Time- The children will become experts (hopefully!) in telling the time to the nearest; hour, half an hour and 15 minutes. We will learn the correct vocabulary to use when talking about time and everyone will learn their birthday. 

Unit 3: Money- We will revisit this unit and make sure that all children can identify the coins and notes that we use. The children will practise paying for amounts and learn how to make an amount in multiple different ways. 

Unit 4: Shape- We will continue to be confident in 2D and 3D shape, compare them with each other and use our knowledge to solve problems. 

Unit 5: Measure- Capacity and Weight. The children will use story books to solve problems that involve measurements. We will enjoy solving lots of different problems and try to use our knowledge in practical settings. This unit will be a lot of fun! 



Starting school in September 2025? First open morning available to book into via school office - Thursday 4th July 2024 - 9.30am