

Broughton Primary School

‘Learning at the Heart of the Community’


P.E Curriculum Intent


Our curriculum at Broughton Primary School encompasses the following aims to meet the needs of our children and the P.E curriculum is the vehicle to bring these aims to life:


Aims of our curriculum:

  • ENGAGE- Pro-actively engage children in their education and help them to be responsible for their successes and achievements both academically and socially

PE is taught throughout the year, and as the key foundation subject it is allocated two afternoons per week for indepth study.  At Broughton we are lucky to have some of our lessons taught by Lions in the Community. They plan, teach and assess 1 of our P.E sessions in each year group, each week. In using Lions we are able to ensure that all children are accessing quality P.E lessons.   We also pride ourselves in offering a wide range of sports competitions. Each half term the clubs change to allow children to experience different sports. Our clubs are run by teachers and also our sports coaches. We also take part in the Test Valley Cluster competitions and festivals to engage as many children as we can into trying sport.

  • EVALUATE- They will have the ability to evaluate the choices they can make and make conscious decisions based on these evaluations

Within lessons children are given the opportunity to take a Leadership role within their year group and in KS2 across the school. These children are consistently evaluating what has gone well and what we need to change for the future. Within lessons our teachers and sports coaches give children time to reflect on their learning and identify what went well and what they could improve for next time.

  • EMPOWER- The children will feel empowered and unafraid of challenge or initial failure

Throughout the year there are opportunities for the children to take part competitively but also to try out new and exciting sports at festivals and within the school day. At Broughton we offer a wide range of sports clubs after schools which are highly popular and the children really enjoy. From an early age the children experience what ‘good sportspersons’ are by seeing our role models across the school. They also have the opportunity to attend festivals and competitions from an early age to start to learn about participating in sports. All members of staff and children encourage children to try their best and take part, rather than focussing on the outcome.

  • REPONSIBLE- The children will have a developed sense of shared responsibility for things outside their immediate person.

Within our lessons at Broughton the children are given the opportunity to lead their peers. In KS1 this might be through small group work activities, where the child takes on a leadership role within a group or leading a team in a sport. In KS2 leadership can involve the children leading a group, activity, dance or in Year 5/6 the children might lead an activity for another year group.  Every year we pick two new sports leaders from our Year 6 cohort. These children are responsible for organising and running interhouse competitions, encouraging other children to take part in the daily mile correctly, sharing new initiatives and ideas, support during sports day, reporting half termly in the form of a sports newspaper and develop reports for the website.


  • ENJOYMENT-The children will love/ look forward to coming to school (the majority of the time!)

 Our children are given a variety of opportunities to take part in taster sessions, lessons delivered from experts, interhouse competitions and cluster competitions. We have developed Active 30 minutes within the school day where the children can continue to be healthy and have fun whilst doing the walk a mile, 15 minute movement breaks and active break times. Throughout the year there are opportunities for the children to take part competitively but also to try out new and exciting sports at festivals and within the school day. At Broughton we offer a wide range of sports clubs after schools which are highly popular and the children really enjoy.







PE is taught throughout the year, and as the key foundation subject it is allocated two afternoons per week for indepth study. Teachers plan from the National Curriculum objectives alongside the Hampshire PE Skills. Each year group has a long term plan which outlines the learning journeys to be covered referring to the units in the National Curriculum. This is a progressive cyclical learning approach where learning is revisited over the course of each Key Stage, deepening their understanding each time. Each learning journey is central to the teaching and this is made clear to the children. This will incorporate all the skills they will be learning within the unit, therefore children are able to understand how one lesson builds on another within the journey.

Lions in the Community

At Broughton we are lucky to have some of our lessons taught by Lions in the Community. They plan, teach and assess 1 of our P.E sessions in each year group, each week. In using Lions we are able to ensure that all children are accessing quality P.E lessons. The children really enjoy these session because of the different opportunities and games that they get to play. Lions ensure that they are using the latest equipment and ideas to encourage enjoyment and participation. As well as teaching a lesson in each class, they put on CPD session within the cluster that we attend to develop our staff’s development in this area. These sessions give us practical tips for teaching a particular sport, the progression of skills in this area and ideas for our lessons.  Lions in the community also provide our school with two clubs which are well attended!


At Broughton we pride ourselves in offering a wide range of sports competitions. Each half term the clubs change to allow children to experience different sports. Our clubs are run by teachers and also our sports coaches from Lions in the Community. All children that attend these clubs enjoy training and finding the fun element of team games. Most of our clubs run for an hour after school and are linked to the local club competition that is being run that term. We also run specific lunchtime clubs for extra practise in particular sports ready for our competition. The clubs that we put on that are not linked to a competition are usually trialling a new sport, or an activity that has been requested by a group of children.

Sports Leaders

Every year we pick two new sports leaders from our Year 6 cohort. These children are responsible for organising and running interhouse competitions, encouraging other children to take part in the daily mile correctly, sharing new initiatives and ideas, support during sports day, reporting half termly in the form of a sports newspaper and develop reports for the website. In the spring term, these children also run a change for life club that targets children who would not normally attend a sports club and encourages them to find a part of sport that they might enjoy. By having sports leaders we hope to encourage pupil voice and participation. These children are also developing their leadership skills and always manage to involve lots of their friends into sport!

Daily Mile and Active 15

This year we are trying to integrate more activity into our curriculum. We are aiming for our children to be active for at least 30 minutes of the day. We do this at the moment by every class taking part in the daily mile (unless it is their P.E day). On our field and playground we have a walking course mapped out, which the children enjoy tracking their progress on. Children walk in mixed year groups, which encourage their social skills.

Sports leaders have also developed short videos that the children can watch in class for an active break. Teachers are using these short breaks between lessons, or before assembly to give children’s minds a break and increase their activity. This active break has been shown to improve concentration and productivity within schools.

Leadership in the class

Within our lessons at Broughton the children are given the opportunity to lead their peers. In KS1 this might be through small group work activities, where the child takes on a leadership role within a group or leading a team in a sport. In KS2 leadership can involve the children leading a group, activity, dance or in Year 5/6 the children might lead an activity for another year group. We do this by Badgers class organising their own activities which the otters class or foxes class will take part in. Throughout the year the children are also given the opportunity to lead interhouse sporting events and cluster competitions.

Sainsbury’s Gold Award

For the past 5 years we have achieved the Sainsbury’s Gold award. This award is given to schools that show the values of the award throughout the year. Some of these values include, allowing for leadership within lessons and the school, creating club links and supporting children who are not interested in P.E to get active. We are now going to be working towards achieving our Platinum award which we hope to get very soon!

Cluster Competitions

As part of our competition program all children are given the opportunity to participate in cluster competitions and festivals across their time at Broughton. Clubs are planned and run in accordance with the competition that is coming up and then children are picked to participate from this. We believe in taking a confident team to these events, but most importantly we want children to enjoy the experience and just do their very best. For festivals, Test Valley encourage all children to take part. An example of this, is the Year 3/4 dance festival. The children create their own dance and then perform it at the festival. They also enjoy learning new dances and skills at this festival. At Broughton we take great pride in sending our children to these events as we believe it encourages children to put their learning into practise, develop their skills and become better sports persons. It also allows children to practise their sportsmanship. 

Links to Clubs

A big part of our sport curriculum at our school is to allow children to participate in a variety of sports and give the children opportunities to have new experiences. To encourage this we have developed links with local clubs that come into our school to deliver a series of lessons, after school clubs or taster sessions. We hope that highlighting these clubs to our children will support them in joining into these clubs outside of the school hours. The children really enjoy these sessions.



 Lions in the Community and teachers assess children at the end of each half term’s sport. Assessments are made by the teachers continuously and used to plan subsequent lessons. Tapestry is used within EYFS to record observations and assessments. This shares learning with parents and we encourage parents to share learning from home through this platform. Live marking within lessons drives immediate feedback and adaptations to learning. If feedback is given after the lesson, feedback time is given at the start of the next lesson.

September 2025 Entry for Reception Year: application for places now open - - application 15th January 2025