
Summer 1



Throughout the summer term we will be learning all about our village Broughton! The first half term will have a history focus and the second half term will have a geography focus. 


We be following the six step enquiry process. The class will start by being hooked into their learning by handling artefacts that have been found in the basement. We will also go around the school, take pictures, rubbings and collect information. We will then move onto finding onto having a guided tour around our school, to learn about the changes in the school building. The children will write to local people from the village to ask them for their memories and well will look in log books to find out information. Throughout this unit of learning the children will be given lots of opportunities to experience the difference in the past and present. After we have found out about our school, we will move onto learning about the village and how it has changed. We will take a trip into the village. For our outcome we will create a brilliant museum all about Broughton to share what we have learned. 



In our design technology lessons this term will be learning about school dinners! The children are going to start by creating a tally chart/ bar graph/ pictogram about our favourite school dinners. They will then move onto asking our lovely cook Mechelle questions that we want to find out about. After collecting this information we will learn about school dinners in the past and then focus on researching about school puddings, before finally having a go at making one! 



This half term our focus will be on colour. The children will be using water colour paint and poster paint to create shades and different colours. They will then apply this to creating pictures of something they have observed, pictures using their imagination and pictures on different surfaces. Our outcome will be a collaborative picture of Broughton Primary School. 



Our Kapow learning journey for this half term is called 'word processing'. The children will learn how to use a keyboard and use Microsoft Word. They will also have the opportunity to learn some of the keyboard short cuts (ctrl c etc)



Our Kapow learning journey for this half term is called 'Pulse and Rhythm'. The children will learn what these words mean and how to use their bodies and untuned instruments to create music. 



Our R.E unit this half term is all about special books. We will start by thinking about our own special book, before moving onto finding our about Christian's special book- the Bible. The children will think about why this book is special to Christians, how they store a bible and how we can show respect towards it. We will then compare this when finding out about the Jewish special book the Torah. 

Finally we will create our own special book for Otters Class, which will include lots of things that are special to our class. 



Our scarf unit of learning is called 'keeping safe'. Throughout out this learning journey we will think about what good sleep is, good and bad touches, what pictures we should share and how we can keep ourselves safe. 



This term we are thinking about the children's rights and responsibilities within the classroom. We will be recapping the rights that we have chosen to focus on, in our class charter. 



This term we will be starting Real P.E! We will be challenging ourselves at different levels using the new scheme of learning. 

In our other lesson we will be learning to run, throw, jump and catch ready for Sports Day! 


This term we will be completing three learning journeys:

1: Using the text Oliver's Vegetables. We will be using capital letters for names, writing descriptions of vegetables and then writing a letter to summarise the day.

2: Our second learning journey is about the text 'Where the wild things are'. We will be writing scary descriptions and trying to add more exciting vocabulary to our writing. The children will rewrite the story of the wild things as their outcome. 

3: Our last learning journey is all about fairytales! Our classroom will be transformed into a fairy tale village and we will fully immerse ourselves in the lovely tales. We will retell the stories, write character descriptions and change a fairy tale's ending. 


Our guided reading focus will be about Peter Rabbit this half term. The children will be reading 'The tales of the countryside', and find out about the different seasons through a series of short stories. Each week we will be using our reading in practical way to create bug hotels, complete planting jobs and create fun art pieces! 


Unit 1- Multiplication and division- recapping counting in 2,5 and 10. Applying it to word problems and real life context. 

Unit 2: Geometry and SATS- recognising 2D and 3D shape and sorting and ordering them. 

Unit 3: Addition and Subtraction- including place value, missing number problems and solving questions using the inverse. 


Starting school in September 2025? First open morning available to book into via school office - Thursday 4th July 2024 - 9.30am