History- The Vikings!
This term we will move onto the next challenge that Britain faced. The children have previously learned how the Roman Empire invaded Britain, then had to retreat back. In Spring 1, we found out about the Anglo Saxons invasion and settlement and now we will move onto the Viking invasions!
We will start by learning about where the Vikings came from and went in Britain. The children will find out about where they raided and settled and link it to the resistance of King Alfred. This term we will find out about what happened in 793 in Lindisfarne. Using their enquiry skills, the children will compare reports from this events from the monks that lived there.
Later in the half term, the children will think about what life was like as a Viking, what their settlements looked like and how they used trade.
They will finish the term off by answering the key questions; Who were the Vikings? Why did they want to take the Kingdom of England?
At the end of term, the children will be creating a museum (ready for Summer 1 term) to show off our learning about the Romans, Anglo Saxons and Vikings- more information to follow!
Our learning journey is called 'Symbols of the cross' and will focus on the Christianity faith. The children will learn to accurately describe what a symbol is and identify symbols that they can see in their day to day life. The children will move onto looking at crosses and their different meanings in the Christian faith. They will be able to discuss what a cross means to a Christian and their response to the symbol. The children will finish this unit learning about how to respect other's faiths and the importance of protecting others symbols.
This term will we will continue with our rights learning. The children will revise who helps us stay safe and keeps us healthy. We will revise the children's rights and learn about how we can make a difference. We will then move onto learning about some key life skills in the future, including how to use a bank and why we pay taxes.
During the Spring half term, we will be learning about animal lifecycles. The children will start by revisiting what the animal groups are and create their own way of sorting animals using a dichotomous key. They will revise the meaning of vertebrate. In week 3, the children will learn about the life span and gestation period of animals and try to compare them. The term will finish by investigating habitats around our school and setting up a long term study to find out about these habitats.
Our Music this term has the focus on Vikings! The children will be learning to sing like a Viking, read music notations and then create a battle song. To finish the term off, we will perform our own Viking songs
This term we will be using Scratchjr! The children will be tinkering, designing, playing and creating their own animation with a story.
In P.E we have a Real P.E session which is delivered by District Sports on a Wednesday afternoon. The children then take part in another teacher lead lesson on a Tuesday, this term with the focus on gymnastics using the Real P.E scheme.
This term we are learning about graffiti! The children will learn about the artist Banksy. The children will research about graffiti and find out about printing. The children will then learn to draw using pastel monoprint, and then move onto adding in colour. We will then find out about the artist John Muafangejo and create our own animal press prints. We will use these images to print on a polystyrene tile and then onto other materials. We will finish by creating a final piece to put into a frame.
- Time
-Multiplication and Division
-Number and Place Value: Addition and subtraction with statistics