This term our unit of learning is called 'Natural Resources'. We start the topic by exploring where Oceania is, before moving onto having a focus on the country Australia. The children will use compass points to explore the human and physical features of the country.
We will then move onto thinking about what a country needs to survive and thrive with. The children will explore where clean water is from and if all countries have this luxury. We will then move onto thinking about how we get energy and learn about renewable and non- renewable sources. Then finally we will think about what a mineral is. This unit of learning will finish by answering the question 'Is every country equal?'.
Throughout this Geography unit we will be using a number of sources and also using our outdoor area.
Following on from our learning last half term about plants. The children will be learning how plants reproduce. We will start the topic by taking apart a flower and learning about the different parts of a flower. The children will then move onto learning how a seed is dispersed by wind and animals. We will finish by planting our own plants and learning what is inside of a seed.
This term is all about monsters! We will be using Quentin Blakes' book about monsters to explore what different monsters look like and how they are represented. Before starting to create our own monsters, we will create a success criteria as a class and explore how other artists create pictures (Rob Biddulph and Quentin Blake). The children will then use painting, printing papers and materials to create exciting monsters. We will finish the topic by adding speech to our monsters using an app, and creating our monster using salt dough.
Our learning journey this term is called 'Protection'. We will explore what protection means, how significant it is and what it means in different religions.
This term we will be exploring the rainforest! The children will create rainforest noises with our bodies, explore the rhythm of the forest floor and create our own loops. We will use tuned percussion to create a sound of the rainforest.
We will be exploring computational thinking, decomposition, abstraction and pattern recognition and designing our own algorithms.
This term we will be completing learning journeys using these texts:
We Travel So Far by Laura Knowles. This is a story that follows the epic migration of a number of animals. It is perfect for animal lovers! Our outcome will be an information page.
The Tear Thief by Carol Ann Duffy This is a story of a ghostly character who moves invisibly through the night, collecting tears from the children she visits. Our outcome will be a recount, newspaper article/ letter.
This term we are having PBED teach Real P.E sessions on a Monday afternoon and Cheerleading lessons on a Tuesday afternoon from Intergr8 Dance Company.
This term we are going to be covering the following things:
Unit 1: Addition and Subtraction (Focus on missing number problems)
Unit 2: Multiplication and Division. The Year 4 children will be completing their times table check.
Unit 3: Fractions
Unit 4: Money
Unit 5: Time
Unit 6: Measurement (Length)