
Autumn 2



Year 1: We have a busy maths timetable that will include the year 1 children counting in two’s, fives and tens and learning how to share equally. They will then move onto learning about 2D and 3D shapes and will be able to name common shapes. Using their excellent halving skills, they will then find half of these shapes and draw them. Towards the end of the term, we will be learning about number lines and how to estimate numbers on a number line. The children will finally be partitioning the numbers 6,7,8 and 9 and we will go outside to using chalk on the playground to represent our partitioning.

Year 2: The year 2 children also have lots of maths to do! They will start off by exploring patterns when counting and using arrays. They will also be learning about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes before learning how to half and quarter them. We will get the mirrors out to practice our lines of symmetry. We will be learning how to compare and order numbers and practice our addition and subtraction questions. Finally, before Christmas we will be creating our own pictograms and tally charts.



In English, this term we have two learning journeys that look at the story books ‘Big Bear, Little Brother’ and ‘Flashlight.’ Both these journeys explore how different animals are used in stories and how the authors describe these.



In Big Brother, Little Bear the children will sequence the pictures and retell the story including the twist at the end. Their final writing piece will be dairy recount in character using first person.



Our Flashlight learning journey is slightly different as the children will find out as this book has no words! We will be using our imagination to create our own versions of this story and how to make these more exciting using adjectives. The children will learn about first person and past tense to write their own first-person narratives.





‘Wonderful Winchester’ in this topic the children will be finding out information all about our local city Winchester. They will know where it is and be able to find it on a map an recognise famous landmarks in Winchester. They will also look further a field and learn the countries that make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities. The children will be exploring the differences between human and geographical features, including a walk around the school to spot any features.



We are lucky to have Mrs Bottle teach us some French on Wednesday and we move onto learning the days of the week.



Fruit and Vegetables – the children will be experiencing a range of fruit and vegetable to identify and taste test! They will decide on their favourites to make a smoothie and evaluate their smoothie making skills.



On Mondays we will be learning about gymnastics and the key skills we need to be gymnasts. On Thursday afternoons we will be going outside to practice our teamwork in outside games.



We continue our learning of materials and their properties. The children will be sorting and classifying materials and experimenting with a festive theme to see which material would be strong enough to use as wrapping paper. We will understand why certain materials are and are not used for different purposes and how their properties effect this.



As it nears to Christmas, we will be learning all about the Nativity story and other journeys that take place in the Bible.



Otters are turning into musicians this term to learn how to sing and use untuned instruments. We will perform a final piece as a class to show off our skills.



In this unit we will be learning what a computer is and recognise the parts of a computer. This includes understanding inputs and outputs and their roles.



‘Being my best’ we continue to focus on how to stay clean and healthy.







Throughout this term we will continue our focus on on place value and we will cover the following units: 

Unit 1: Multiplication and division- We will find out about how to count in 2, 5 and 10 and use this to solve simple problems. We will learn what an array is and try to spot arrays around the school. In our division lessons we will learn what sharing is and try this practically with objects. 

Unit 2: Fractions with geometry- In this learning journey we will recognise and  name common 2D shapes and the year two children will start to write down their properties. We will then think about what a fraction is and how we can find half. 

We will also start to learn about telling the time (half past, quarter past and quarter to)

Unit 3: Number and Place Value, addition and subtraction: We will learn to count in a variety of patterns and then use this to say one more and one less than a number. We will also start to derive number facts. 

Unit 4: Statistics- This half term the Year 2 children will be creating a simple tally chart and pictogram. We will be asking and answering simple questions involving these charts. 



After half term we will begin with a very topical learning journey called 'bonfire poetry'. We will be using Enid Blyton's bonfire poem to collect good words and phrases. We will then be creating our own poem to perform in assembly. It will follow the format 'I can see...' and include the use of our senses. 


Our second learning journey will be around the traditional tale 'The Gingerbread Man'. We will use talk for writing in this unit, to learn the text and then innovate it to create our own version. In this learning journey we will try to extend our sentences and add more detail into our writing. 

Our final learning journey for this half term will be learning all about the cat 'Mog'. We will read lots of her lovely adventures and then finish by watching the short film of 'Mog's Christmas Calamity'. There will be two outcomes from this learning journey- a newspaper article of the events and a retelling of the story. 



This term our unit of learning is called 'Inventors'. Our unit will start off with an exciting hook lesson where we will try and guess what inventions are on our tables by looking at pictures and artefacts. We will then pose questions and try to sort them chronologically. Throughout the history topic we will be finding out about lots of inventors including Tim Berners Lee, Alexander Graham Bell, Louis Braille and many others! We will be thinking about the importance of their inventions and tracking the changes across a period of time. (e.g. how did a computer change?) The children will create a timeline to develop their chronological awareness. 

We will finish our history learning journey by creating a leaflet about the famous inventors. 



This term we will be completing two different learning journeys. The first will focus on the sculptures of Antony Gormley. The second is a digital unit, where the children will be designing and creating their own Christmas cards using the computers. 



Our D.T learning journey this half term is linked to our English Learning about Mog. The children will be designing, creating their own glove puppet out of felt. We will then evaluate the effectiveness! 



Our unit this half term is African call and response. We will be thinking about African animals, and learning what call and response means. We can't wait to show you our masterpieces! 



This term our unit is called Animal lifecycles and timelines. We are going to start off by thinking about what a sign of life is. Once we have done this, we will look at a human's timeline and answer the question 'when do humans stop growing?'. We will then compare this to an animal and answer the question 'do bigger animals live longer?' Our unit of learning will finish by thinking about a food chain and creating our own one for a human 



This term we will learning all about computers! We will think about the parts of a computer, what an input is and how we can use technology. We are going to think about designing our own inventions and become confident at the role of a computer. It will be a lot of fun! 



This term we will be learning about advent and Hanukah. 


P.S.H.E and Rights

This term we are using a new P.S.H.E program called SCARF. We are going to start off by thinking about our relationships in our ideal classroom and what being a good friend is. We will then move onto finding out what a 'bully' is and how to make sure we are not one. 

In our Rights lessons we are going to be learning about the health care system and who can help us. 



This term we will be doing Gymnastics in the hall which will involve us learning about how to make the four basic shapes, travelling around the hall and how to work in partners. 

For our outside lesson we will be doing games type activities which will involve a tag rugby focus. 



Starting school in September 2025? First open morning available to book into via school office - Thursday 4th July 2024 - 9.30am