

We are an inclusive mainstream setting catering for children and young people with a wide range of needs who are able to demonstrate capacity for accessing the mainstream curriculum with differentiation and support.

Our SEND provision is designed to ensure we can identify children with special educational needs and disabilities, provide appropriate teaching, learning and support, cater for their safety and wellbeing, work effectively as a team, enable inclusion and access, and support the transition into our school as well as progression into new educational settings. 


Attention is always given to article 3: best interests of the child, article 23: children with disabilities and article 29: goals of education of the UNCRC in all matters.

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo)



Ms. Hannah Lowey


01794 301286


Broughton Primary School SEND Information Report 2022 - 23

September 2025 Entry for Reception Year: application for places now open - - application 15th January 2025