
Calculation Policy

Our Calculation Policy

The teachers will be using Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract methods to help embed conceptual understanding in the Maths curriculum. This will allow children to make links between each area of learning.


Teachers plan and teach units of work that are based on the National Curriculum and the Hampshire schemes of learning. We have developed our own Long term plans, which can be found on the school website and our own planning format. On our planning grid we have made sure the learning journey is very clear for all adults who are working with the children.

As Broughton Primary School is a mixed year group school, we use split inputs and peel away groups. This enables children to access the correct learning at an appropriate time. Our planning is flexible and dependant on the children’s learning the day before can be adapted. 

We use tasks from the NCETM, dip and pick cards and White Rose Hub to develop children’s reasoning opportunities. These tasks are woven through the curriculum and are there to support and deepen the children’s learning. We teach the children to show their answers to problems in multi-representational ways and check their answers. The teachers also plan problem solving opportunities that have a real life context to help children apply their knowledge and understanding.

Starting school in September 2025? First open morning available to book into via school office - Thursday 4th July 2024 - 9.30am