This term we will be doing an author study about Angela McAllister.
Each of our lessons will start with a grammar starter (a bit like the daily 5 in Maths).
Learning Journey 1:In our first three weeks we will be using the book 'Leon and the place between'. This follows a boy who attends an exciting circus and then finds himself in a different world. Throughout the unit, the children will collect exciting vocabulary, put themselves in a circus performers shoes and practise writing using expanded noun phrases. Our outcome will be a descriptive narrative of the place within with illustrations.
Learning Journey 2: Our second three weeks will focus on the story 'Winters Child'. This book is about a boy called 'Tom' who wishes Winter would never end. He meets another child who feels the same and they play everyday. Until one day, when they realised the awful effect the endless Winter is having on his elderly grandmother. In this unit we will learn about making predictions and collecting good vocabulary. We will revise writing in the form of a diary. Our outcome will be to write our own diary entry thinking about the 'Springs daughter'.
Unit 1: Fractions The children will learn to compare and order unit fractions with the same denominators before moving onto adding and subtracting fractions.
The Year 4 children will become more confident in using tenths and hundredths. They will look at decimals and fractions equivalence and count in fractional steps.
The Year 4 children will then move onto learning about positioning triangles on a grid, comparing and classifying quadrilaterals and comparing angles in different 2-D shape.
Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction We will be starting this three week learning journey off by checking that we can partition numbers fluently, recall key facts and number bonds and have a secure understanding of mental strategies to solve addition and subtraction questions. We will then move onto learning to use more formal methods to solve calculations.
Unit 3: Time The Year 3 children will finish the term off by learning to tell the time to the nearest minute. They will tell and write the time using 12 hours and 24 hour clocks and compare durations of events.
This term our focus will be on the Anglo Saxons! We will be learning what happened next after the Roman’s withdrew from Britain in AD410. We will find out who the Anglo Saxons were and where they invaded and settled. The children will learn about life as an Anglo Saxon and learn a little bit about the art and culture at that time. At the start of this History learning journey we will be going on an exciting school trip to Hillier’s Gardens to take part in an Anglo Saxon day. More information about this trip to follow.
In Music we will continue to be using KAPOW. This term we are learning about Samba! We will be learning the Samba rhythm, composing a break and creating a Samba performance.
This term our KAPOW unit is called 'Data Handling: Comparison card databases'. During this learning journey we will learn about sorting, filtering, representing data and then creating our very own holiday!
Design Technology
In D.T we will be learning what a pneumatic toy is. We will understand the mechanisms and practise making our own. The children will then design their own toy and create it. They will then decorate it and evaluate it before taking it home.
This term will see us look at stories that have 'bit ideas' and messages. We will start the learning journey by looking at familiar stories that have messages. The children will design their own dust jacket for one of the tales with a short blurb about the message. We will then look at stories in both the Christian faith and Islamic Faith that have messages. We will finish the unit off by thinking about what makes a special story.
Rights Respecting (SCARF) In this unit we will be looking at what a volunteer is, how to look after our own money, and how to earn money. We will then be taking part in our own environment project.
Magnets and their effects.
In this learning journey the children will what a magnet is, how magnets attract and repel and a magnets strength. We will carry out investigations and test different objects with magnets.