We began the half term focusing on fractions and percentages by converting between the two and use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals, and percentages. We are now moving onto geometry, more specifically angles and pie charts) as we practise drawing given angles and measuring them in degrees. Towards the end of half term, we will focus on statistics and interpreting numbers in context and calculating intervals across zero. As well as this, we will complete, read and interpret information in tables.
During this unit, the children will gain an insight into how the Shang Dynasty formed and developed during this period and look at what life would have been like in Ancient China during this period. We will also consider how this period laid the foundations for other Chinese dynasties in subsequent years.
This half term, we will identify how barcodes and QR codes work and how infrared waves are used for the transmission of data whilst recognising the uses of RFID. As well as this, we will gather, analyse, and evaluate data collected from RFID data collection points.
We began the term writing a narrative using the text, 'The Queen’s Tale' where we rewrote the next chapter in an alternative point of view with a focus on cohesive devices within and across paragraphs and consistent verb tenses. We then used the same text to create a piece of crime writing to solve the mystery of Snow White, selecting precise, technical vocabulary for detail and using a range of sentence structures (simple, compound, complex). Towards the end of the half term, we will use the film stimulus 'Paper Man' to craft our own diary entries. During this writing journey, we will recount the events and convey the protagonist’s emotions through a diary entry.
This half term, we will begin the half term by researching images in order to develop our thinking around visual elements. We will then research the work of Barbara Rae and the select a landscape which we will develop a clay tile from.
Across our unit, 'Rights Respecting', we will consider the difference between a fact and an opinion and rights, respect and the associated duties. We will also learn valuable live skills as we explore spending wisely.
We will explore the associations between music, sounds and colour, building up to composing and performing our own compositions. These will represent Holi, the Hindu festival of colour which celebrates the beginning of spring and the triumph of good over evil.
Our outdoor PE this half term will use the Real PE scheme to explore creativity and our indoor focus this half term will be dance.
Across our topic, 'How sounds are made, travel and can be changed', wWe will define pitch and volume and understand how sound is produced as well as investigating how pitch can be changed. We will also explore how vibration causes sound and investigate how the type of material affects how well it blocks sound.
This half term, we will look at the meaning of identity and how Jews express the concept of identity at Purim.
Guided Reading
Throughout the half term, we will be reading our class book, 'Amari and the Night Brothers', as we explore other texts to develop our reading skills.
We began the term determining equivalents between fractions and percentages. As part of our geometry learning, we will go on to estimate and compare angles as well as draw and measure them. Later on in the half term, we will use formal/informal methods to add and subtract as well as mental strategies. We will also solve multi-step problems in context and add and subtract fractions. Finally, we will use negative numbers in context as well as solve sum and difference problems using information presented in line graphs and pie charts.
Our writing this term will use the Anthony Browne book, 'King Kong' as our text driver. Within this writing journey, we are working towards creating our own newspapers recounting the main events and details. We began the term asking questions that investigate and probe after discovering a large footprint in our classroom surrounded by police tape. From this point, we have used apostrophes for contraction, revised the use of sentence types and have used the past and progressive tense in our writing. We will continue to perfect the punctuating of dialogue throughout the writing journey as we idnetify the author's style and use of language. After we have identified the key events in the narrative, we will explore the characters and the plot of the story so that we can craft our own newspaper article.
Our second writing journey this term will use the film clip, 'Alma'. This will inspire our own suspenseful narratives.
Guided Reading
We will develop our reading skills (inference, retrieval, vocabulary) through our class read – a novel by Louis Sachar which centres around Stanley Yelnats, a young boy sent to Camp Green Lake after being falsely accused of theft.
Our topic this half term is 'Forces that Oppose Motion'. Across the half term, we will explore water and air resistance as well as the force against motion, friction. Finally, we will look at managing forces by considering concepts such as how see-saws work.
During our Geography unit, we will use our map skills to locate South America and its bordering continents and oceans. We will also plot and plan a journey to Brazil from the UK and make a comparison between Rio de Janiero and Hampshire. This comparison will include establishing similarities between the different factors e.g., their weather and how both places make money.
Throughout the half term, we will think about looking after something precious and how we would treat it – particularly if it belonged to someone else. We will then link this to importance of looking after the world and compare the creation stories of the Muslim and Hindu faiths.
Our focuses in PE this half term will be hockey and dance.
During this unit, we will be introduced to this famous genre of music and its history as we learn to identify the key features and mood of Blues music and its importance and purpose. We will also practise the 12-bar Blues and the Blues scales, combining these to create an improvised piece.
This term, we will be conducting an artist study on the life and works of Beatrix Milhazes. We will begin our study of Beatrix Milhazes by researching her life before comparing it to the works of other artists. We will use geometry when developing shape and pattern and explore collage as we create our own inspired pieces.
Throughout the half term, we will focus on the qualities of friendship and kind conversations. We will also be look at how we can be happy being ourselves and discuss the benefits of living in a diverse society as we learn about the importance of mutual respect for different faiths and beliefs.
During this unit, we have looked at the earliest forms of stop motion animation that were used in the 19th century e.g. flip books, thaumatropes and zoetropes. From this, we had a go at making our own! We then looked at famous animations e.g. Wallace and Gromit and how they decompose animations into a series of images. From this, we have begun planning a program to tell our own story. We will also use video editing software to animate.