Broughton and West Tytherley Primary Schools
Writing Policy
Our curriculum at Broughton and West Tytherley Primary Schools encompasses the following aims in order to meet the needs of our children and the English curriculum is the vehicle to bring these aims to life:
ENGAGE – Proactively engage children in their education and help them to be responsible for their successes and achievements both academically and socially
EVALUATE – They will have the ability to evaluate the choices they can make and make conscious decisions based on these evaluations.
EMPOWER – The children will feel empowered and unafraid of challenge or initial failure
REPONSIBLE – The children will have a developed sense of shared responsibility for things outside their immediate person.
ENJOYMENT – The children will love/ look forward to coming to school (the majority of the time!)
At Broughton and West Tytherley Primary Schools, we aim to foster children who have an enjoyment for writing. We ensure that we include a variety of opportunities which are diverse and inspiring to embed the children’s learning. More varied in school experiences such as book clubs run by children, reading breakfasts and book swaps have all been introduced this year in the hope of instilling a passion for English in children.
At Broughton and West Tytherley Primary Schools, we aim to develop motivated and independent writers: those who write with understanding and purpose.
At the start of school, it is very important that the children are ready developmentally to write. Writing follows talk and reading. In order for a child to write something, they need to be able to say it first. This is achieved through a programme of play where young children learn to interact, talk and understand as well as develop physically. During the first term of Year R our main focus is the prime areas by providing opportunities for talk.
Throughout Reception, the physical development of children’s gross and fine motor skills are a primary focus in the children’s learning and are explored through various interactive and engaging activities inside and outside of the classroom. These aim to leave children negotiating space and obstacles safely, demonstrating strength and moving energetically e.g., running, jumping, dancing, hopping skipping and climbing in order to develop their gross motor skills. To develop children’s fine motor skills, they work on using a range of small tools including scissors, paintbrushes and cutlery and begin to show accuracy and care when drawing. Holding a pencil effectively in preparation for fluent writing is also focussed on through activities that are interwoven into the curriculum and provision.
Phonic learning and letter formation matches this provision with drawing around large letters on the black board or painting with water. Writing resources also match the children’s physical strength. Large writing materials are used and over time these are refined down to finer and smaller materials in order to develop handwriting speed, fluency
and legibility.
In order for the children to become motivated and independent writers they need to write with understanding and purpose. When planning writing units, class teachers ensure there is interplay between purpose, audience and form.
Motivating Writers
Children are motivated to write through:
Learning Journey
In each class, the writing learning journey is central to the teaching. The purpose and audience are made clear to the children at the start of each writing journey and is reinforced throughout the journey’s entirety. In each classroom there is an English working wall. This will incorporate all the skills they will be learning within the unit. Each day, English lessons begin with a grammar starter which is planned by teachers in line with the schools' grammar progression document. Each step of the writing journey is then displayed on the wall towards the outcome. This is done with the intention that children understand how one lesson builds on another within the progression of lessons. Teachers plan from the National Curriculum objectives alongside the Hampshire Assessment model.
Each class has a long-term plan which outlines the learning journeys with writing outcomes to be completed over the year, referring to the quality texts. Grammar objectives and focus spellings are incorporated within these to give teachers further guidance when planning. Within each learning journey, there are ‘site of application’ and apprentice writing opportunities built in. These pieces of writing require the children to apply previously learnt skills of a different form from a previous unit without any direct teaching. There are an increasing number of ‘site of application’ and apprentice pieces across the year to enable pupils to apply their learning and see skills transferred to a new context. These ‘site of application’ and apprentice outcomes enables teachers to assess what learning pupils retained and can apply independently. For pupils, they provide spaced practice, strengthening learning over the year. This is a progressive cyclical learning approach where learning is revisited over the course of the year, deepening their understanding each time.
Assessments are made by the teachers continuously and used to plan subsequent lessons. Live marking within lessons drives immediate feedback and adaptations to learning. Children are assessed in spelling, punctuation and grammar on a termly basis. These help the identification of Data drops happen three times a year and are reported to parents through parent consultations and reports across the year. Writing moderations with other schools as well as book looks ensure that writing is in line with the expectation.