
Our Class information

What our classroom looks like

In our classroom we are really lucky to have lots of different spaces. We have a brilliant outdoor area which the children enjoy playing in. In our room we have a reading corner and role play area. Here are our Literacy and Maths boards:


Class Charter

This year we created our own class charter which we all signed up to. It includes the UNICEF convention on the Rights of the Child.



Homework is given out once a week on a Thursday.

It tests:

1. Spellings that we have been learning during the week in our Phonics session.

2. A Maths task will be set on Mathletics


The homework is then tested on a Thursday in small groups. Merits are awarded accordingly and there is a homework club to support those who need extra help. 


Other home activities include:

-Reading: at least 3 times a week to an adult

- Year 2 times tables challenge books, which involve the children working towards their bronze, silver or gold book. 

September 2025 Entry for Reception Year: application for places now open - - application 15th January 2025