
Archie Dobson's War by Badgers class

Badgers & Foxes performed a World War 1 play based on the experience of a young Archie Dobson (aged 10). Badgers class provided the acting talent, and Foxes class supported them brilliantly with their singing. Mrs. Macey put on a great production - the audience was gripped by the emotions of the performance, it swung from sadness as Archie's cousin was killed in the trenches to elation at the news his father had survived the gruelling conflict. The children performed magnificently, and handkerchiefs were needed at the end as the death toll was read out and poppies placed at the feet of the children standing in the shape of a cross. It included mention of the 13 men from the village of Broughton who died in the Great War.

September 2025 Entry for Reception Year: application for places now open - - application 15th January 2025