Dear Parents,
I hope that you have had a wonderful summer break and that the weather has not prevented you from enjoying the holidays. We are looking forward to welcoming all of the children back to school on Thursday. The following information may be helpful for your planning and preparation.
Practical Arrangements
Start of the day
We will be welcoming back all children from Years 1 to 6 on Thursday 2nd September. All the children will need to be in school for registration by 8.50 a.m., in order to start lessons at 9 a.m. The Squirrels children will start on Monday 6th September.
Please use the following entrances:
Squirrels – up the main drive and through Squirrels side gate
Otters – through side gate and into their classroom via the Otters outside area.
Foxes – through the side gate and into their classroom via the ‘normal’ entrance.
Badgers – up the main drive and through the fire doors.
The children will need to wash their hands before coming into school. We would ask that parents and children social distance as they wash hands and enter the building. Please can we ask that, where possible, only one person drops off per family and that you do not linger and talk in the carparks.
There is now no legal requirement to wear a face covering, however please do take any precautions that you feel most comfortable with. We know that everyone has different situations and the most important thing is to stay safe.
We cannot admit adults to the buildings at the present time without a prior appointment. If you need to speak to a member of staff, please phone or email the office or speak to the member of staff to arrange a suitable time.
The full menu will be on offer from the kitchen (the options will change after half-term) and will start on week 2. Alternatively the children are welcome to bring packed lunch from home. The fruit scheme will continue for children in Years R, 1 and Year 2. Children in Foxes and Badgers should bring in their own healthy snack. The tuck shop will not be open.
Your children will need the correct school uniform, a water bottle, to wear school P.E kit on the day it is time tabled and a coat appropriate for the weather.
They may bring in bags, and lockers will be in use.
P.E days
Children will need to wear their P.E kit to school on the following days.
Badgers – Wednesday and Friday
Foxes – Monday and Wednesday
Otters – Monday and Tuesday
Squirrels – Monday and Thursday
End of the day
Children in Squirrels will leave at 3.30pm through the carpark
Children in Otters class will leave at 3.30pm through the side gate.
Children in Foxes class will leave at 3.30pm through the side gate.
Children in Badgers class will leave at 3.30pm through the fire door on the main drive.
We will start clubs on the week commencing Monday 6th September
A full list will be available on Thursday 2nd September which your child will bring home.
Diary Dates for the term will be available on the calendar via the website
Communication to School
Please direct all communications through the school office and not directly to the teacher’s emails. We will ensure that all messages are delivered as they were pre lockdown. Thank you for your co-operation with this.
Important Considerations
Please be aware that we are trying very hard to get back to “normal” and we want to re-introduce all the usual activities and parental contact as soon as possible. As ever, after a period where we have been apart we want to minimise the risks that the start of a new term can bring. Please help us in the following ways:
Kind regards
Lucy Macey