

  • In the Year 5 Zoom lesson we wrote some ‘boasting’ poems- Take a look!

    Mon 22 Jun 2020

    Henry  is…….

    A grey VW Polo driving through the clear night air

    Cooler than an ice cube

    A priceless jewel, over 1000 years old.

    A stand in for Justin Trudeo

    Nicer than a Ralph Lauren shirt, worn by Lebran James.


    James  is ……

    A red Tesla speeding down the motor way at full speed

    Cooler than Eminem

    A priceless ruby owned by the Prince of Greece

    A stand in for Lionel Messi

    A Nike sports shirt worn by Stormzy in Miami


    Harry  is………

    A green jaguar sitting in a drive way for a mansion

    Cooler than Steven Darby

    The world’s largest diamond

    A stand in for Boris Johnson

    A Nike tee-shirt worn by Simon Cowell


    Poppy  is………

    A yellow Lamborghini driving rapidly down the M6

    Cooler than Messi

    A priceless artefact from the Stone Age

    A stand in for The Prime Minister

    A Nike jacket worn by Mo Farrah in the Olympics


    Max  is………

    Max is a McClaren P1, donuting in a carpark

    Cooler than Beyonce, wearing a ring worn by Queen Elizabeth

    A stand in for Donald Trump

    A Nike t- shirt worn by Justin Bieber in Hollywood


    Otto  is…..

    A yellow Ferrari speeding on the motorway

    Cooler than Messi in a Ferrari

    A priceless antique vase

    A stand in for the Queen

    A Gucci t-shirt worn by Messi in Hollywood


    Daniel  is….

    A silver titanium model x speeding up a ramp

    Cooler than Alex Rider

    More expensive than einsteinium

    A stand in for Boris Johnson

    A Rolex watch



  • New Cycling/Walking/Running Challenge

    Mon 22 Jun 2020

    Route 66 – cycle, run, walk, scoot or swim our way across The United States of America!

    Competition will be stiff! Stockbridge will want revenge, Kings Somborne and Wallop are fielding teams! There may be other schools getting involved too! The start is Monday 22nd June 2020.

    The aim is to reach Los Angeles as quickly as possible within the rules of the competition which are as follows:

    1. Distances must be emailed, in KMS please and DAILY before 8pm to, these must be evidenced with a screenshot or photo of a fitness app or watch e.g  strava, googlefit, applehealth, fitbit, garmin  to verify the distances. Please can you remind parents that they can only submit kms done on that specific day before the 8pm deadline, and not to send in a week’s worth in one go as they will not count!
    2. In addition to the distance and screenshot please could they state which school they are from. this is very important!!
    3. There is a maximum cap of 16km per day per child. If they do more, that is absolutely fine, but only 16km will count. This may be reviewed during the course of the competition.
    4. I will be totalling the kms for each school at the end of each day and then logging them onto the competition app. I will then report distances covered by each school that day, milestones achieved, places of interest passed through along with a visual map showing the position of all 5 schools on the route.
    5. All this information can be accessed via our private Facebook group TVC Route 66 Challenge which parents can join by going to  and clicking on the groups tab.
    6. You are allowed to submit kms that are cycled, walked, run, jogged, scootered, swam…
    7. We also love to see and share your outings and anything of interest you might pass or see so please feel free to send in any photos to the same email address with your distances. Please note, that if you send any photos in the assumption will be that you are happy for them to be shared on the private facebook page.


    Every school will receive a beautiful shiny medal on completion of the journey and there will also be a trophy for the overall Cluster Champs!!

    It would be amazing if every single child could contribute to this one! We will definitely need it.

  • Cycling Challenge

    Fri 05 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents and children, 


    Mrs Devereux has organised that we can take part in a challenge to ride from Lands End all the way to John O'Groats.  All the information about how to join this challenge is detailed below.  There are some rules and regulations that you will need to read and it is being organised on Lions in Community Page on Facebook.  We hope that it will encourage as many of you as possible to get on your bikes and pedal as far as you can.  For the competitive amongst you, it may be of interest that Stockbridge and Amport Primary schools are also taking part!  I wonder who will reach the finishing line first?


    There will be medals for all participants and a yellow jersey trophy for the child that overall contributes the most kilometres from all the schools.  There will be daily updates via the private facegroup that can only be accessed and viewed by members who have been excepted by the administrator.  


    So for families interested in taking part this is what you need to do:


    1. Go to the Lions in the Community facebook page at
    2. From there they will see the option to join the group called LITC Schools Virtual Cycling Challenge 2020. If they ask to join this group I will add them in and this will be their means of keeping up to date with the daily mileages their and the other school are achieving, and seeing information about where they have travelled through etc as per my previous email. They should not post their daily mileage here though, that needs to be done via email to me at  before 8pm on the day of their cycle ride.
    3. Emails must contain a screenshot of evidence of mileage whether via fitbit, strava, iphone, underarmour or any other of the fitness apps for verification.
    4. Emails need to state  child’s name, year group and school also please.
    5. There will be a cap set at 15km per day for any individual. They are welcome to cycle further but only 15km max will be recorded on any given day  for them.
    6. All children should have parental permission to take part and be accompanied by parents unless they have parental permission to cycle alone.
    7. Helmets should be worn at all times.
    8. Anyone additional information about interesting routes or sightings of wildlife etc will also be gratefully received by me!
    9. Every evening I will provide updates of progress via the facebook group.
    10. All participants will receive a medal for their contribution and in addition there will be a yellow jersey winner  for the child that overall contributes the most km of all the schools participating  and also a KS1 and KS2 prize for each school for most km contributed.


    Please see an introduction by Mrs Devereux below.


  • How are you all getting on?

    Tue 02 Jun 2020 Mrs. Lucy Macey

    Dear Parents and children,


    Good Morning from Broughton Learning Head Quarters!


    The Year R and 6 children are in and very full of beans- it is lovely to see them again. We have quickly got them down to work - there's no resting here!. 


    I hope everyone is well and enjoying the sunshine! The teachers are still planning work for you all, so keep sending it in and contributing to the weekly newsletter. I am excited to see your entries for this weeks challenge and I have some lovely prizes up for grabs- so get working hard!

    If you want to speak to any of us please just give us a call. You may just fancy a chat, or you might have a question about your work- it doesn't matter, we would love to hear from you.

    I have a new and exciting competition for you all which will be revealed tomorrow- it involves cycling, so keep a look out for the details!


    Keep working hard- remember that this won't last forever and that when it's all over you can be proud of the efforts that you made to do the best that you could...


    Sending lots of love and virtual hugs,


    Mrs Macey, Sherpa and Bouncy Pinky xx

Starting school in September 2025? First open morning available to book into via school office - Thursday 4th July 2024 - 9.30am