
Autumn 1




We start our maths learning off by looking at Number: Place Value, Addition and Subtraction.

The year 1 children will:

  • Count to and across one hundred, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number.
  • Read numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals.
  • Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations, including the use of the number line, and use the language of equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least.
  • Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within twenty.

The year 2 children will:

  • Read and write numbers to at least one hundred in numerals and in words.
  • Identify, represent, and estimate numbers using different representations, including the -number line.
  • Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100, use <, > and = signs.
  • Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens and ones)

As well as much more!



In English we have three exciting learning journeys to look forward to. We will explore the similarities and differences of these traditional fairy tales.

The Three little pigs – In this learning journey the children will be learning the sequence of events and how to order these correctly and they will be creating their own story maps to complete a ‘story walkthrough’ for the rest of the class. This story also links to our science topic because we are thinking about different materials and their properties.

Rapunzel – We will be reading Bethan Woolvin’s version of this classic tale, and the children will think about what is similar and different from the original. We will be describing Rapunzel and writing a description of her.

Goldilocks – Otters’ will come in to find three bowls or porridge and only one that has been eaten. We will have to investigate into this and created a wanted poster for Goldilocks. The children will learn about verbs and spot where these are used in the story.



Our topic this term focus on The Great Fire of London. We will be finding out where London is and what happened on the night of the 2nd of September 1666. The children will be retelling the story of what happened, acting out scenes and ordering events of the biggest fire in London. Our roleplay area has been transformed into Pudding Lane Bakery and outside we will be practicing our teamwork skills to see who would have been the quickest to pump water in 1666. 


We are very lucky to have Mrs Bottle who teaches French on a Wednesday. This term we will be looking at some key French vocabulary.


In art this term we are looking into the artist Auguste Herbin. He is famous for using different geometric shapes to create brightly coloured collages. Otters’ will be having a go at creating their own collages at the end of the topic.


We are looking forward to having Intergr8 dance come in and teach us street dance on a Monday afternoon. On Thursday afternoons we have Mis Haynes who will be teaching cooperative games.


Our science topic this half term explores the properties of different materials. We will be naming lots of different everyday materials and sort materials by their use. We are going to experiment different materials to see which one would make the best umbrella.


As we are going into the Autumn term, we will be learning about Harvest festival and what this means to different people. We will even be going to our own Harvest festival at our local Church.


The unit for this term is called ‘Traditional Western Stories’ and we will be naming instruments that play in an orchestra and how they sound different from each other.


Online safety is the focus for this unit and the children will learn what it means to be safe inline and how to make sure they are being safe online.


‘Being my best’ this unit introduces the children to teamwork and getting on with each other. We will also be reminding ourselves of the school values.





This term we will start with a brilliant learning journey about Oliver Jeffers' books. We will be reading a variety of texts and then using the story 'lost and found' to write a diary as if we were a Penguin who was lost.  This links nicely to our History topic about Explorers. 

Our second learning journey will be around the text 'Beegu' by Alexis Deacon. The children will think about what it would be like to be a scared alien in a foreign country and then writing what might happen next to Beegu. 

Our final learning journey for this half term will be an exciting one! We will be receiving a very exciting letter from an astronaut who will show us how to make a bottle rocket. The children will learn about the features of an instruction text and the importance of putting the instructions in the correct order. The outcome for this learning journey will be an amazing, working (hopefully!) bottle rocket! 

We are also excited to take part in a poetry week with the rest of the school. More information on this to follow soon! 




Throughout this term we will be mainly focussing on place value. This is extremely important to help us have a secure understanding of numbers before we move onto using them! 

Unit 1: Place Value- learning our numbers by writing the numerals, creating the numbers with objects and pictures, partitioning into tens and ones and being able to say one more, one less, ten more and ten less. 

Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction- In this learning journey we will become more familiar with the symbols for these two operations, learn to add and subtract with mental strategies and practise using object and pictures to solve questions. We will also start to become familiar with our number bonds to 10 and 20.  

Unit 3: Money- Once we are secure in our number knowledge, we will learn the value of the different coins and put this into context to pay for items. 

Unit 4: Measure- This half term will finish by learning about length. We will measure objects using standard and non standard methods and start to compare lengths. 



This term our unit of learning is called 'Explorers'. We will be learning about the following explorers: Sir Edmund Hilary, Mark Inglis, Christopher Columbus, Captain Scott, Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake. 

For each explorer, we will find out about where they explored, what challenges they faces, what they had to wear and what they ate. We will be comparing the explorers to see what is the same and what is different. 

In this topic we will also be putting the explorers up on a class timeline so that we can start to understand when their exploration happened. 

We will be doing lots of outdoor learning for this unit so make sure you have some old shoes or wellies that you can use at school. 



This term we will be learning about the artist 'Ella Bailey' who wrote a series of books about animals. We will be using her drawings as inspiration to create our own mood boards, drawings of animals and then finally making our own animal mask. 



Our D.T learning journey is called 'Winches and Winders' which is related to our Literature unit about Nursery rhymes. We will investigate what uses winches and winding mechanisms and then see if we can make our own. The outcome of this unit is a working well which we can use! 

Linking to our English and History unit we will also be making a working bottle rocket that will launch and hopefully reach space (or the edge of the field!)



Our unit this half term is all about space. The children will listen to a range of music that has a  space theme, learn about rhythm and create their own versions of the music. They will also take part in lots of singing games. 



This term our unit is called Animal Survival. We will start by thinking about how we might survive in the Rainforest and what we would need to have to stay the night We will then move onto grouping animals into the 5 groups, learning about predators and prey and finding out about the terms ' carnivore', 'herbivore' and 'omnivore'. 

Finally we will learn about how animals survive in the wild by using senses and camouflage. 



This term we will start by learning about Online Safety. The children will think about online emotions and what they should be sharing online. They will also become confident in logging onto a computer. 

We will then move onto a unit called 'Rocket to the Moon' which will help us to design our bottle rockets on a computer. 



This term we will be learning about rules and values in the community. We will be understanding why rules are important and how to follow them. The children will also be linking this to our class charter. 


P.S.H.E and Rights

This term we will start off by making a class charter and looking at what rights we need to uphold in the classroom. We will be thinking about the children's responsibilities and the adults. 

We will then move onto revising our drivers that we have in our class (sunshine spreading, in the driving seat, thinking outside the box, have a go hero/heroine)

Starting school in September 2025? First open morning available to book into via school office - Thursday 4th July 2024 - 9.30am